Middle Grade March

Spring is right around the corner! It's the perfect time to read some amazing books and get a chance to win a pizza party! Blue Marble is doing a month-long event called Middle Grade March for the third year.
Any reader in grades 3-8 can participate.
Read a book, tell us about it by clicking the Sign Up Here button below, and students will have a chance to win a pizza party for their whole class.
Every entrant will win an awesome sticker as a reward for participating.
Happy reading everyone!
March Into Writing
Eligible students:
Grades 5-8
Private or public schools
Category Description: A narrative that is written in prose.
Story Format:
Student's full name and grade level must be included on a cover or title page, or at the top of the first page.
Text should be typed.
All characters must be original.
Copyrighted names are not allowed.
Word count of 500 min, 3500 max.
Nonfiction work based on research should include a list of sources used.
Students may conference with parents, teachers, and peers on their work.
Submitting: A Google Form is on our website. Attach your story into the form to submit to us digitally.
Judgement Rubric: All applicants works will be judged on the following criteria
40% Creativity and originality of plot and/or themes
40% Story structure and use of literary devices
20% Relevance, quality of writing
Grand Prize Winner: A book sleeve full of goodies. $15 gift card
Second Place Winner: A book sleeve. $15 gift card
Third Place Winner: $10 gift card